faith - complete trust or confidence in someone or something, strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual appreciation rather than proof referenced "He…

A Look at the Cross

July 14, 2024
1 - The cross means love. 2 - The cross is personal. 3 - The cross is willful humility. 4 - Prophetic. 5 - The cross is final. 6 -…

Seeing Your Freedom

July 7, 2024

He Sits With You

June 30, 2024
Referenced The Book of Matthew, also The Parable of the Lost Sheep and Matthew 25:35

God is Our Father

June 9, 2024

Referenced "Footprints" To stay on God's Path you must: 1 - Follow instructions 2 - Pray continually, seek the narrow path 3 - Don't seek wide ways, idols come in…
referenced "Jesus Calling" dated May 27th by Sarah Young

What is Pentecost?

May 19, 2024
Referenced Joel 2